Daily Returns Strategy Plot
Inflation Rate Data Plot
US Consumer Price Index plot
Los Angeles Ozone Levels Data Plot
IBM Closing Prices Descriptive Statistics
IBM Stock Daily Log Returns Plot
IBM Daily Closing Prices Function Process Plot
The optimal alpha, beta and gamma for the triple smoothing function that minimize the sum of squared errors
solver searches for optimal solution, ultimately prompting its completion
Launch the solver; set the utility, varying arguments and the constraints.
Setup the minimization problem with the sum of squared errors as the utility function
International passengers' airline data with winter's triple exponential smoothing function (season length=12)
Sum of squared errors plot for changing values of the smoothing factor, in an attempt t find optimal value
International passengers' airline data with brown's linear exponential smoothing function
Sum of squared errors plot for changing the smoothing and trend smooth factors, in an attempt t find optimal values
International passenger's airline monthly data with Holt-winter's double exponential smoothing function
plotting the sum of squared error for simple exponential fit using different smoothing factor value to find the optimal value
sales monthly data with Brown's simple exponential smoothing (alpha=0.8)
international passenger's airline monthly data with 12-month weighted moving average
monthly sales data with 4-month moving average (more weights to recent observations)
monthly sales data with 4-month moving average (equal-weighted)